quarta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2012

Who am I? ~ Primeira Tarefa ~ The More Beautiful World

Good morning my peoples! My name is Sam, I live in Pittsburgh, PA, U.S. but I consider myself Brazilian because my heart lies there. I study Anthropology at Northeastern University in Boston, MA, with specific concentrations in indigenous culture, ecology, alternative economy, spirituality, and philosophy. I dedicate my energy to the more beautiful world we all know exists in our hearts. Sometimes our minds tell us otherwise, that such a world doesn't exist, but the many moments of clarity -- when we feel most alive and most connected with the people, places, and beings around us -- serve to remind us that something different is possible. That what we know in our hearts isn't just youthful idealism or romanticism; the dreams we have are real and meaningful, despite the countless voices (including our own) telling us, "They aren't possible."

I am grateful to be co-creating this space with so many wonderful souls, and of course with the direction of nossa querida Chiquinha. Strong community, mesmo que seja atraves da Internet, is is a powerful force that will lead us into the future we want to create. Vietnamese Buddhist leader Thich Nhat Hanh has said that the next Buddha will not come as an individual but as a sangha, or community. Here in the U.S., when I ask people what is missing from their lives, they usually respond with "community"; it's true, especially in this country, that we are so fragmented from one another, from the rest of the natural world, and from our own, true selves. In the past, I've felt a certain lack, a deep aching wound that was festering in its own fear and malaise -- whether it is inherently cultural or not (in Brazil, these emotions were less acute, or virtually inexistente), this absence of community, of entering into a reciprocal, interdependent relationship with another being, creates dis-ease. Through the intimacy of restoring this relationship, one's sense of self expands to include the "other." This is what I want to create: a world where no one or thing is considered other, where we fully feel our interconnectedness.

~Primeira Tarefa~

I visited an elementary school last week. My good friend teaches a class of 7- to 9-year olds and when I return to Pittsburgh I always make time to visit with her and the kids. When I gaze into the eyes of these children, I see pure humanness. They are not yet enmeshed in the confusion of adolescence or the anxiety of adulthood -- which seem to be recurring themes in American culture -- and they emanate a vibrant life energy that is both calming and infectious. They are so curious, so vitally alive. They never stop asking questions and the concept of boredom does not seem to exist. Their minds soak up information like sponges, and I'm always reminded how important it is for children to be surrounded by healthy environments as they develop at this age. They need affection, compassion, and the freedom to explore the world freely -- to make mistakes and learn how to cultivate their gifts.

Another amazing thing I noticed during my visit was that the children were not afraid to be wrong. They thrust themselves into challenges without a hint of ambivalence. They showed no fear or uncertainty regarding the outcome of different tasks or in-class problems (worksheets). They were prepared to be wrong, and, as a result, their creativity flourished. Now, this isn't to say that being wrong is the same thing as being creative, but as Sir Ken Robinson says, "If you aren't prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original." Being with these kids helps me gain more confidence in myself, and reminds me to not take the world so seriously all the time. Life is a playground, we've only been convinced it's a cubicle. : )

This is my gaze.
Eu desejo a todos muita paz e alegria as we enter this new year, cheio de novas possibilidades..
Vamo la!
Um abraco bem apertado..


Se der um dia desses, vou traduzir em portugues! flw

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