At first I see colors. The colors of the mother. Mother Earth.
Now they are fully opened.
I see shapes.
Shapes and color form my world.
Once in a small village in a not distante country, a voice said that one beautiful gesture was the one of looking at the stars. Looking at them. Thinking how big they actually are, and how small they seem. Thinking this; leading to the understanding of how insignificant we are.
"Olhando assim para as estrelas percebi o quão pequeno somos. Percebi tambem que nunca estamos sozinhos. Aqueles grandes astros, mesmo parecendo insignificativo para nos, grandes humanos, nos acompanham dia e noite, guardando-nos."
Another little pearl of the world are the eyes. Those small little balls that can not only look at the sky and see the moon and the small shining star, but also look at other eyes.
"Olhar nos olhos de outrem. Mergulhar nesse mar de estrelas."
ResponderExcluir"As coisas assim a gente não perde nem abarca. Cabem é no brilho da noite. Aragem do sagrado. Absolutas estrelas".
João Guimarães Rosa