Cuidar significa cuidar dos sonhos que foram mostrados para o mundo e para nos. Sonhos sao os mais profundos desejos do coracao, o que nos faz seguir em frente. E quando ouvimos esses sonhos temos a responsabilidade de cuidar deles. De mostrar que os ouvismos, e de dar-los importancia.
Acho que a tarefa daqueles que sonharam e de nao se apegar tanto aos sonhos que foram compartilhados, mas ver-los como uma base comum para outros sonhos surgirem...
Nao sei se ficou claro... mas me perguntem se esse for o caso... :)
This task is a little challange. We are here working here with the dream mater. And to take care of this mater, to give it a form, to put it together into one is a challenge... But I now that we are creative!
Care means to take care of the dreams that where shown to the world and to ourselves. Dreams are the most profound desires of the heart, and makes us move forward. And when we hear those dreams we have the responsibility of taking care of them. The responsibility to show that we listened to them and give them importance.
I think that the task of those that dreamed is to not get attached to the dreams that he/she shared, but to see them (the dreams) as a common base for other dreams to emerge.
I don´t know if it is clear...but ask me questions if this is the case!
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